When I joined the civil service in 1975 as a fresh faced 21 year old, they told me that the lower wage, compared to the private sector, was offset by the pension package and job security. Fair doos I thought, took the job and they sent me away from home to live in a hostel in London. Only 200 miles from my family! I have been in the public sector most of my working life, for the government and then in local government. Job security went out the window years ago and I narrowly escaped redundancy around 1999.
Now, as I approach retirement, having planned ahead, I have had a 3 year pay freeze and may have to work 6 or more years longer and pay more for my pension during those years, and have it calculated in a way that will be to my detriment.
Hit 4 ways!
The pension pot is full. The government plan is to use it on something else. I'm not asking for more or extra - I would even think it reasonable to play my part by continuing with a pay freeze, which might happen again anyway.
I only ask for what I was promised.
A friend thinks that strikers are selfish. She is angry that the military are being brought in to cover immigration on the grounds that they already do a dangerous job, with lack of equipment etc., so why should they have to do this too?
My response? I have cousins in the military, they chose to be and I admire them for it. My father came back from WW2 a changed man. He had no choice but to go to war. I have a choice to strike and I do so gladly, losing a days pay to protect my own pension and that of people (including my friend) who work in the public sector. She isn't 30 yet and I suspect her views will change in time.
Is that so selfish? I don't suppose the government will call in the military to man the school library where I work!
I haven't been on strike since I was about 25, but I feel strongly about this 4 way hit and will be out on November 30. (Planning a lie in!) Since the strike ballot, the government have moved a little on LGPSs for people my age, but it's not enough and does nothing for my younger colleagues. Selfish? No. I'm not only striking for me and hope myfriend will thank me some day; just as I thank the men who decided that going Cap in Hand to their factory/farm bosses was demeaning and often fruitless and joined together in a union to demand fair treatment for workers.